Day to Day

We had an Awesome district meeting today.  It was Sister Meder's Birthday, so we ran to Top's friendly market and snagged cake and ice cream.  It was kind of a party because we had both of the Zone Leaders, their companions and both of the Assistants there so we had a total of 13 missionaries.  We had an awesome meeting and discussed President Uchtdorf's talk, "Waiting on the Road to Damascus."  We did the trust game where you fall back and have someone catch you.  The Assistants took it to the next level (literally) and we had Elder Schow and Elder Lemmon take the plunge off of the Piano bench backwards, with their eyes closed, into our arms.  It was pretty fun.  There is a good lesson to be learned about how we need to fully trust the Lord and have faith in Him.  Another beautiful and sunny day in Orchard Park as well to top it all off