Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Orchard Park!

So... Now I am serving in Orchard Park with my good friends Elder Miller and Elder Hoffman.  Between the 3 of us we can speak English, Spanish and American Sign Language so we should be able to handle just about anything right?  We have our Zone Leader out here on an exchange so our Apartment is kinda busy with 4 Elders in it today.  The snow is starting to melt and everyone is getting excited for springtime. 

We have Elder Richard G. Scott of the quorum of the 12 Apostles coming to visit our mission this weekend, its going to be amazing I'm sure.  I'll post about it next week

This is one of my favorite talks from him, I posted this on my facebook as well, but here is another link for it.

The Transforming power of faith and character

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