Saturday, June 25, 2011

Here for a moment....

I was thinking about what to write about this week for my blog, and this video caught my attention.  I believe the quote that it uses is from a conference talk given by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf in 2010 titled, "Of things that matter most." The full address can be read here.  His message then, and the message shared in this video are the same.  Moving as quickly as possible in life is difficult and often unnecessary.  We would do well to slow down a little, focus on what is most important and proceed forward at the "optimum speed."
I know that strength doesn't come from rushing through life, but from being centered on a firm foundation. Incomparable peace and happiness can be found when we are centered on Jesus Christ and He is our foundation.
The end my mission is approaching and it has made me start to think a lot about time.  How valuable it is, and how quickly it passes.  Preach my Gospel, the missionary handbook, says that "time is one of the most valuable resources that our Heavenly Father has given us"
I would love to hear your thoughts and insights.  Please comment about how you personally have found ways to focus on the important things in your life.  How can we more fully capture and enjoy the moments that really matter the most?

Moments that Matter Most

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Planking Craze

Sooo I had no idea about planking for the longest time. Let's face it; missionaries tend to be left in the dark with stuff like this... Until now! 

Planking On the Bushes
In this blog I like to take fun things and compare them to the gospel so here we go.  I know the pictures are funny, but please read as well, Ok?  =D  (Note: None of these are doctored, they are all real. You can click on them to see the enlarged views as well)

"The fine art of planking, where people are photographed face down with stiffened arms and legs, has already swept out of Australia and taken the world by storm. Formally called “the laying down game,” it has encouraged people to produce surprising and surreal images that have entertained millions."    (

Bicycle Plank
In order to be successful at planking, you must have good balance and a strong core.  Your core muscles are the foundation of a good plank.  It doesn't matter how strong your arms or legs are if you don't have a solid foundation to hold it all together.  I found this out quickly trying to perform some planks.  It requires proper preparation and set up to get an awesome shot.

Being firm and centered in life can be difficult, especially with all the influences around us in the world.  With our needs and challenges constantly changing, how can we be sure that we have a steady and firm foundation?

When I was thinking about this, it reminded me about how the scriptures use the analogy of having a firm foundation for our lives.  One of my favorites is when Christ teaches the parable of the wise man and the foolish man in Matthew 7. If we are built upon the rock, who is Christ, then when the wind and storms of life beat us down, we cannot fall.

This is also very plainly taught in a scripture from the Book of Mormon.  In Helaman 5 we learn how Christ is the foundation that we must build upon in order to not fall.  He is a sure foundation, a foundation where on if we build we cannot fall and the Devil can have no power over us.  I think that is a wonderful promise to have.

The LDS bible dictionary describes Faith this way. Faith is to hope for things which are not seen, but which are true (Heb. 11:1; Alma 32:21), and must be centered in Jesus Christ in order to produce salvation.

The Prophet Joseph Smith said, “The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets concerning Jesus Christ, that he died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it”

I know that if our lives and our faith are firmly centered and founded on Jesus Christ that we can overcome the world.  And if we have a strong core and a good foundation physically we can do some awesome planks too  =)
Two Door Plank

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I can ride my bike with no handlebars!

[ Aside from the fact that this is slightly dangerous, there is a wonderful lesson to be learned =) ]

I recently started living my boyhood dream of riding my bike with no hands!!! It’s so amazingly fun that I feel like I'm 10 years old again.  Every time we go out now, you can usually see me and Elder Lemmon looking stylish and relaxed on our fancy red and yellow 2 wheeled friends.

It started like any normal day for us, UNTIL.... I asked Elder Lemmon if he could perform this fantastic feat.  He responded that it is super easy and all you had to do was straighten your back, keep your balance and just let go..... then continue to pedal smoothly. It sounded too good to be true.  Have I really been missing out on something like this for so long???  Apparently so. Once you take that small step of faith, and trust yourself, you would be surprised at what is possible. 

It was slightly scary at first, especially since sidewalks and roads aren’t exactly smooth all the time.  There are bumps, holes and cracks: it looks terrifying to a first time no handed rider.  But luckily I trusted the advice of my good friend Elder Lemmon, and this was something that I really wanted to do. 

Life is a lot like riding a bike.  Everyone is on a journey and we constantly are watching for the bumps and cracks, twists and turns in the path. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming or even impossible to do something that is beyond our own understanding.  We face choices and tasks that are much more complex and challenging than riding with no hands.  Sometimes we face things that are terrifying and completely unknown to us.

I am grateful for the advice and guidance of my good friends and family.  I am even more grateful for the guidance and care of a loving Heavenly Father who watches over me.  We learn this same lesson in Proverbs chapter 3: 5-6 which reads, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

I know that when we trust in the Lord that He will watch over us continually and direct our paths. Sometimes it requires us to trust him and let go first, but things will always turn out for the best in His own time and in His own way.