Saturday, June 25, 2011

Here for a moment....

I was thinking about what to write about this week for my blog, and this video caught my attention.  I believe the quote that it uses is from a conference talk given by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf in 2010 titled, "Of things that matter most." The full address can be read here.  His message then, and the message shared in this video are the same.  Moving as quickly as possible in life is difficult and often unnecessary.  We would do well to slow down a little, focus on what is most important and proceed forward at the "optimum speed."
I know that strength doesn't come from rushing through life, but from being centered on a firm foundation. Incomparable peace and happiness can be found when we are centered on Jesus Christ and He is our foundation.
The end my mission is approaching and it has made me start to think a lot about time.  How valuable it is, and how quickly it passes.  Preach my Gospel, the missionary handbook, says that "time is one of the most valuable resources that our Heavenly Father has given us"
I would love to hear your thoughts and insights.  Please comment about how you personally have found ways to focus on the important things in your life.  How can we more fully capture and enjoy the moments that really matter the most?

Moments that Matter Most

1 comment:

  1. I loved that Video, what matters most. What a powerful message. Connie
